Monday, September 16, 2013

Lose It!

So I've found motivation the last little while and it's been a nice change. I've forced myself to workout even when I really don't feel like it. I probably won't notice a huge difference yet because when you first get back into a workout routine it's normal to actually gain weight for awhile because you're building muscle which weighs more than fat. The scale will start moving downward in a few weeks.

I wanted to tell you guys about an app that I've used for quite awhile now. Not consistently, obviously. I joined Weight Watchers for a short time this year and the cost was almost $45 a month. I realized that their app was almost identical to the Lose It! app only Lose It! counts calories instead of points and it's completely FREE. You can scan bar codes or put in info and it will calculate the calories. You can also log exercise and it will adjust your daily calorie allowance accordingly. Although, I don't log my exercise because I want to lose not maintain so I don't want the extra calories everyday. Seriously, it's exactly like the Weight Watchers app! Click here to go to the Lose It! website and search for it in whatever app store you use.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Self Control

Self control is not my strong suit. I'm working on it but have a long way to go. I work in a doctor's office and, holy cow, does the food flow there. Drug reps bring us lunch, patients bring us treats. These are what a patient brought in today. And of course I'm the only one with kids so they always tell me to take them home to my boys. Not a good thing for someone with very little self control. Don't get me wrong, I'm not blaming anyone else, I get that it's my own monkey on my back but having this kind of stuff in your face all day makes it hard.

And just so we're clear, yes I ate one. Boo! I would say that in my defense it was the only thing I had eaten all day but I think that actually makes it worse. I put one thing in my mouth all day and it's crap. Go me! :/

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Today did NOT go well. I ate really well at work because I pack my food and that's all I have to eat (as long as I avoid the food room, more on that later) so it's easy to control portions and what I'm eating. When I got home, however, it felt like all the stress of the day caught up with me all at once.

Hi, my name is Sam and I'm a stress eater. I eat to relax and the foods that help me relax are not healthy. I got home from work and just felt like I had been kicked around all day long by my boss. He's not always a nice person and I've gained quite a bit of weight since starting there because of the stress it induces.

I had a healthy dinner all planned out. Lots of veggies and I had even cooked part of it yesterday so it wouldn't take as long to prepare after work. Instead, I walked in the door and threw hot dogs in the microwave. My kids were delighted, I felt guilty.

Dinner, if you can call it that, was followed by two rice krispy treats and two fun sized kit kats and then I pretty much ended up on the couch for the rest of the evening. Total and complete failure today.

The crazy thing is that I know that walking and running completely relieves all of my stress. So why didn't I come home and go straight to the treadmill? I don't know. Definitely something I need to work on.

Tomorrow I try again. 

Monday, September 2, 2013

Rock My Run

Rock My Run is a website where you can download running mixes. The great thing about these mixes is that they'll start at a slower pace and then get your heart rate up and then do a cool down. All you have to do is keep pace with the rhythm and it takes the guess work out of your pace. There's also no lag time between songs which I love!

Once you register they'll email you a free download every Monday. It used to be a completely free site but they've started charging so I usually just take advantage of the free Monday download.


Let's Be Honest

My very first post on this blog is about how I hate to eat healthy and exercise. I love me some Reese's peanut butter eggs and KitKats!

I wake up at 4am every morning for work and I work 10-12 hour days. When I get home I'm spent and the last thing I want to do is spend what little energy I have left on cooking and exercising.

But these are just excuses, right? That's what skinny, health nuts tell us anyway.

I've successfully lost weight in the past, about 60 lbs, but have gained most of that weight back. I've also started 4 new prescriptions in the last 6 months. I struggle with autoimmune diseases and so I, of course, battle with prednisone on a fairly regular basis. Prednisone makes it nearly impossible to lose weight and as an added bonus gives me acne. Woohoo!

So, I'm starting this blog by saying that I hate healthy eating and exercise but also to list my goals. My goal in all of this is to get off all of my prescriptions in the next 6 months. I'm doing this without spending money on a gym membership and no special foods. Just more veggies, less carbs, no sugar, and my trusty treadmill that I already own.

Wish me luck 'cause this ain't easy!