Monday, September 2, 2013

Let's Be Honest

My very first post on this blog is about how I hate to eat healthy and exercise. I love me some Reese's peanut butter eggs and KitKats!

I wake up at 4am every morning for work and I work 10-12 hour days. When I get home I'm spent and the last thing I want to do is spend what little energy I have left on cooking and exercising.

But these are just excuses, right? That's what skinny, health nuts tell us anyway.

I've successfully lost weight in the past, about 60 lbs, but have gained most of that weight back. I've also started 4 new prescriptions in the last 6 months. I struggle with autoimmune diseases and so I, of course, battle with prednisone on a fairly regular basis. Prednisone makes it nearly impossible to lose weight and as an added bonus gives me acne. Woohoo!

So, I'm starting this blog by saying that I hate healthy eating and exercise but also to list my goals. My goal in all of this is to get off all of my prescriptions in the next 6 months. I'm doing this without spending money on a gym membership and no special foods. Just more veggies, less carbs, no sugar, and my trusty treadmill that I already own.

Wish me luck 'cause this ain't easy!

1 comment:

  1. Sam, you are a rock star!! I'm so glad you're posting about this because honestly, what kind of crazy person doesn't like Reece's stuff instead of a pile of raw zucchini? But it's all about the choice, not the preference. Sigh. You go, girl!
